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Endorsement letter for Torske

Jeanne Torske would make a very good county attorney. She is running for the Big Horn County Attorney position to be decided by the voters on November 8, 2022. As a Federal Defender I represented defendants whom Ms. Torske prosecuted over the last few years in her position as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Billings Division of the United States District Court. I

learned several things about her during that experience.

First, she prepared well and knew the case she was prosecuting. She knew why she was prosecuting it and the best approach she should use to do so. MS Torske put in the work to have a full and balanced view of her Case. Thus, She was decisive about the result she desired and what it would take to achieve it. However, She was open to ideas to resolve the case to the satisfaction of the United states, the Victim (where there was a direct victim) and the defendant. I found she

was confident in her case hut reasonably open to the defense's assertions and what risks they posed to the government. This was because she had taken the time and effort to both know the prosecution's case we and study the asserted detenses she would face in court.

Second she is an effective communicator. She is open, collegial, friendly, not afraid to discuss matters, yet firm in her beliefs about the case. She speaks with integrity and is trysted by defense attorneys as saying what she means and meaning what she says - a trait which cannot be overemphasised.

Third, she is professional in her approach to cases and with everyone concerned. By professional I mean that she treated counsel and defendants with consideration, courtesy, yet was clearly a zealous advocate for the government and alleged victims. She is reasonable, yet a difficult opponent at pretrial hearings. trials and sentencings.

Fourth, she is prepared for her hearings. Defense attorneys know that when faced with a diligent prosecutor their advocacy will. Challenged the government's position will be thoroughly and assertively presented, and the defendant's task of rebutting the government's case will be difficult. I believe this is what Big Horn County would gain by electing MS. Torske as the County Attorney.

Fifth, she has good judgment and common sense about charging a case, about the key aspects of a case, the strength and weaknesses of witnesses and how to utilize them ethically for the government's advantage. Most importantly under this factor I believe Jeanne Torske values most highly the truth in a prosecution, which is a prosecutor's fundamental duty. Because of this she will give utmost effort toward being fair to defendants yet vigorous and oval to alleged victims and Big Horn County during the criminal process.

These attributes of Ms. Torske lead me to believe that she would serve the residents of Big Horn County very well as their chief criminal prosecutor. And they should be served that way. She would work diligently, communicate well with aw enforcement and citizens, and make sound decisions. As I have come to Know her she would have the welfare of Big Horn County as her highest priority and not anything less.

Mark Werner has been a federal Defender in the United States District Court, Billings Division from 1994 through 2021, He is recently retired

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